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Services > Hospital Services > Case Management > Case Management FAQs
Case Management FAQs
What are Community Case Managers?

A group of medical professionals helping the community to understand chronic illness and how to manage it.  They can have multiple roles, including acting as your consultant, advocate and motivator.

How are Community Case Management services obtained?
Physicians, registered nurses, community agencies and family can make a referral.

Do I need an order from my doctor?
No, however, you will need to sign a consent on the initial Community Case Management visit.

Will my doctor be involved after the referral?
Your physician will be kept advised of your progress toward the goals you will develop and achieve.

Will my case manager come see me while I am hospitalized?

Yes.  Members of the case management team will meet with each individual to discuss the plan of care and help determine your needs prior to discharge.  The team will then work to meet your individual needs prior to discharge.