Text-to-Give is a quick and convenient method that enables donors to give to nonprofits via their mobile phones. Individuals can instantly text a donation to Licking Memorial Health Foundation using their phone’s native texting application. To make a donation, text 12712 to (614) 230-0347, and it will prompt you to give to Licking Memorial Health Foundation through the Columbus Foundation website.
You can help benefit LMHS by joining the Kroger Community Rewards (KCR) program. Once registered, each time you shop at Kroger and use your Kroger Plus Card at checkout, Kroger will donate a percentage to LMHS. Visit www.krogercommunityrewards.com to create an account or edit your organization (Licking Memorial Health Foundation - UF755). Please take advantage of this no-cost opportunity to support LMHS.
Each year, Licking Memorial Health Systems (LMHS) recognizes National Doctors’ Day, March 30, by paying special tribute to the dedicated physicians who take care of our loved ones and our community. Individuals can express appreciation for their favorite physician by making a donation in his/her honor for National Doctors’ Day. Donations are acknowledged with a letter to the physician and the physician’s name is added to the Honorary and Memorial Book located in the Hospital lobby. To make a donation, please click on the Donate button below, or print this form. Return the completed form to the LMH Development Office or call (220) 564-4102.
A gift to Licking Memorial Health Foundation (LMHF) provides an opportunity to honor friends, family members, coworkers, physicians or others who have positively impacted your life. Donations to LMHF also offer a unique way to recognize significant life events and milestones.
With a gift of any amount, you will receive:
- A receipt of your contribution
- A letter of acknowledgment to your honoree or the honoree's family
- Your gift's entry listed in the Honorary and Memorial book in the main lobby of the Hospital
For more information, contact the Development Department at (220) 564-4102. To make a donation, please click on the Donate button below, or complete this form. Return the completed form to the LMH Development Office. Gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
The mission of the Betsy Eaton O’Neill Health Resource Center is to support and educate patients, family members, friends and professionals who are involved in the physical and emotional care of those with medical illnesses. In an effort to continually enhance the resource material available in the Health Resource Center, we invite you to make a donation in honor or memory of a beloved family member or special friend.
Receipt of your contribution will be immediately confirmed by mail. Additionally, a letter of acknowledgment will be promptly sent to your designated honoree or the honoree's family. To make a donation, please click on the Donate button below, or print this form. Return the completed form to the LMH Development Office or call (220) 564-4102.
The Community Cornerstone Club was founded in 1987 in recognition of and deep appreciation for Licking Memorial supporters. Gifts to the Community Cornerstone Club are used to provide new medical equipment and expanded services at Licking Memorial Hospital.
Members are recognized in the Licking Memorial Health Systems (LMHS) Annual Report and other Hospital publications. Membership in the Community Cornerstone Club is available for individuals, couples and businesses by making an annual gift of $100, $250, $500 or $1,000.
To make a donation, please click on the Donate button below, or print this form. Return the completed form to the LMH Development Office or call (220) 564-4102.
Please join the Licking Memorial Hospital Development Council in creating a lasting and unique way to recognize a family member, special friend or organization through a personalized tribute. Commemorative bricks are located in three very prominent locations: the Front Circle, the John and Mary Alford Pavilion Walkway, and the Employee Entrance Walkway. Commemorative bricks create a distinctive and elegant impression, and offer lasting recognition for your family member, special friend or organization. The beige bricks are available in two sizes - 4" x 8" and 8" x 8".
- The personal brick (4" x 8") will accommodate up to 20 characters per line, including spaces and punctuation, with three lines per brick.
- The corporate brick (8" x 8") will accommodate up to 20 characters per line, including spaces and punctuation, with five lines per brick. A second option for the corporate brick is to place 20 characters per line, three lines per brick along with a corporate logo.
To make a donation, please print this form. Return the completed form to the LMH Development Office or call (220) 564-4102.
Celebrate and commemorate the arrival of a new baby with the Cradle Roll program at LMH. With a gift of any amount, the name of the baby and the donor will be placed in the Cradle Roll Log in the Main Lobby of LMH, and listed in the Licking Memorial Health Systems Community Connection and Annual Report.
- Gifts of $25 to $149 will be designated as Cradle Roll Bronze.
- Gifts of $150 to $249 will be designated as Cradle Roll Silver and includes a beautiful handcrafted step-up stool in your choice of oak or cherry finish.
- Cradle Roll Gold donors, gifts of $250 or more, will receive a striking handcrafted child-size rocker in your choice of oak or cherry finish.
To make a donation, please print this form. Return the completed form to the LMH Development Office or call (220) 564-4102.
PRIDE gives Licking Memorial Health Systems (LMHS) employees the opportunity to support LMHS and help ensure a strong secure future. There are many different giving levels available for employees, including The William Schaffner Society, the John Alford Fellowship, and for physicians, the Caduceus Society. The remaining donation levels for employees include Cornerstone Gold, Cornerstone Silver, and Cornerstone Bronze levels. Established in 1987, PRIDE has over 830 members contributing at various levels and membership continues to grow. LMHS employees have contributed more than $4 million to various projects including the 2021 Main Street Café renovation.
The William Schaffner Society was created in memory of William Schaffner, the first Chairman of the Licking County Hospital Commission in 1961, and an instrumental player in the county bond issue that financed the current location of Licking Memorial Hospital. He dedicated his life to providing quality healthcare services to our community. Membership is extended to those who make a commitment of $10,000 or more paid over a period of 10 years.
To make a donation, please print this form. Return the completed form to the LMH Development Office or call (220) 564-4102.
The Caduceus Society recognizes physicians who support Licking Memorial Hospital through a charitable contribution of $10,000 or more over a period of 10 years. This group of physician leaders continues the tradition of healthcare excellence by providing funds for the latest medical technology. To make a donation, please print this form. Return the completed form to the LMH Development Office or call (220) 564-4102.
The Golden Corporate Honor Roll distinguishes businesses and organizations that make a total commitment of $10,000 or more to Licking Memorial Hospital. Participation in this program signifies an alliance with Licking Memorial to ensure the continuation of excellent health care in the community.
To make a donation, please print this form. Return the completed form to the LMH Development Office or call(220) 564-4102.
The John Alford Fellowship honors the commitment and efforts of longtime supporter John Alford, the recipient of Licking Memorial Hospital’s first Lifetime Achievement award and the namesake for the 2007 John & Mary Alford Pavilion, providing the local community with a new Emergency Department and Surgery Department in the 100,000-square-foot addition to Licking Memorial Hospital. Individuals donating to the John Alford Fellowship support his efforts to ensure local, quality health care by contributing $25,000 or more over a period of 10 years.
To make a donation, please print this form. Return the completed form to the LMH Development Office or call (220) 564-4102.
The Platinum Circle is reserved for business and corporate donors who contribute $25,000 or more, enabling Licking Memorial Hospital to purchase new equipment and provide additional services to meet the healthcare needs of Licking County. To make a donation, please print this form. Return the completed form to the LMH Development Office or call (220) 564-4102.
Benefactors are individuals and businesses who have donated $50,000 or more. To make a donation, please print this form. Return the completed form to the LMH Development Office or call (220) 564-4102.
Founders are individuals and businesses whose generosity meets or exceeds the $100,000 level of giving. To make a donation, please print
this form. Return the completed form to the LMH Development Office or call (220) 564-4102.