Licking Memorial Health Systems - Measurably different...for your health
Giving Opportunities
The Licking Memorial Hospital (LMH) Development Council is responsible for increasing charitable donations for the benefit and support of Licking Memorial Health Systems (LMHS) through Licking Memorial Health Foundation.  Individuals, businesses and foundations assist in providing quality health care for the community through state-of-the-art technology and capital expansions.

All gifts are promptly acknowledged.  Commitments of $10,000 or more are recognized on the Donor Wall, as well as by the Board of Directors, in the LMHS Annual Report, in other Hospital publications and during the Donor Appreciation Reception.

To make a donation or become a member of a charitable group, please print and complete the form for the giving level of your choice and return the completed form to the LMH Development Office, or call the Development Office at (220) 564-4102. 
Golf Gala
Kroger Community Rewards
Doctors' Day
Honorary and Memorial Giving Program
Betsy Eaton O'Neill Health Resource Center
Community Cornerstone Club
Paving Our Future
Cradle Roll
Providing Resources in Dedicated Employees (PRIDE)
The William Schaffner Society
The Caduceus Society
Golden Corporate Honor Roll
John Alford Fellowship
Platinum Circle
Benefactor Level
Founder Level