Licking Memorial Health Systems - Measurably different...for your health
Warming Up and Cooling Down

Stretching before and after exercise will improve your muscle flexibility and circulation, and decrease your risk of injury. It is most effective to warm up for 5 to 10 minutes prior to stretching by performing gentle cardiovascular activity to prepare the body for more intense activity. Following this warm-up, try to perform the following stretches:

Toe touch – Stand with feet together. Bend at the hips, reaching for the toes. Stretch as far as is comfortable. This stretch may also be performed from a sitting position, leaning forward. Hold for 15-20 seconds. Neck and shoulder circles – Perform about five slow, controlled circles in each direction.

Arm circles – Hold arms out horizontally and create circles, starting small and gradually increasing in size. Perform slow, controlled movements in both directions.

Child’s Pose – Kneel with feet together and bend forward at the hips until the forehead touches the ground. Leave arms at sides with palms up. Hold for 30-45 seconds.

Quad stretch – Stand upright and bring one heel up and back by grasping your ankle. Pull as far as is comfortable. You may wish to stand near a wall or other object to maintain your balance. Hold for 15-20 seconds.

Though it is often forgotten, stretching after exercise is similarly important, as ending exercise too abruptly can cause stiffness, soreness, and dizziness. Follow intense activity with 5 to 10 minutes of a gentle cool-down, much like the warm-up performed beforehand, in order to help your body recover. It’s easy to forget about warming up and cooling down, but it is important to the overall health of your body. By gradually building up to and cooling down from exercise, you can stay healthy and active while avoiding injury.

| Posted On : 10/7/2014 12:50:57 PM