Licking Memorial Health Systems - Measurably different...for your health
Community > Press Releases > Colon Cancer Awareness Month
Colon Cancer Awareness Month

Nationally, the month of March is dedicated to colon cancer awareness.  Licking Memorial Health Systems (LMHS) is working to raise awareness during March through a community campaign that includes a new website,  The website contains detailed information and resources about colorectal cancer and features high-fiber recipes and fitness advice.  

Colon cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosis and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in men and women in the United States.  Over 95,520 cases are expected to be found in the United States this year; however, preventative screening can help to decrease those rising numbers.  The colorectal cancer survival rate has been increasing, due in part to increased awareness and screening.  Finding polyps and cancer in the earlier stages provides the best opportunity for successful treatment.  

LMHS encourages those who are at the age of 50 or older to participate in a colon screening for the benefit of their health.  Contact your primary care physician today to schedule a colon screening.